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If you want to reach 1,000s of potential customers, no matter whether you are a retailer, guide, destination, service provider, outdoor product marketer or manufacturer, Woods & Waters can offer a marketing proposal that fits your budget and reaches your goals. We have assisted outdoor countless businesses increase market awareness, increase market share, promoted their event or special service over the past 35 years. We can fish and hunt with you or use your products and create action-inspiring media from a trusted brand that will direct customers to you.

Our readers have grown to trust us and they spend money on their fishing and hunting passions – everything from boats to tow vehicles, fishing rods to guns, ammo to lures, ATVs to kayaks, marine electronics, outdoor clothing and much more have been marketed in W2 over the years.

Our rates are reasonable and print ad design is free if you want us to help you with that aspect of marketing. Should you choose a more complete marketing package that includes a YouTube video visit, we’re happy to bundle that with our proposal. W2 Adventures Partner status is an option as well for established guides, outfitters and adventure destinations. 

Call us at 540.894.3540 or email us at to tell us about your goals. Media kit with rates available upon request.  

Woods & Waters Magazine contains monthly features on awesome destinations, new techniques, outdoor personalities, tide charts, our Regional Focus Reports, monthly columns from our staff experts and more. If you want to receive the best hunting and fishing magazine for Virginia, consider subscribing today!

Woods & Waters Magazine is Virginia’s source for hunting and fishing information featuring award-winning articles and photographs by top regional experts intended to inspire you to get out and enjoy life outdoors! Pick up a copy today at over 100 retailers or subscribe here.

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