Capitalizing on product reputation or staying relevant, fishing companies are expanding product lines. Garmin introduced forward-facing sonar. While other major players played catch up, Garmin raised the bar without …
Finger pointing is rude but, the angler introduction of Alabama bass into Virginia waters, is poking a finger into the eye of the bass fishing community. All due to the …
On a warm January day, a Virginia bass tournament angler checked out a few Potomac River spots. The Maryland Natural Resource Police pulled up and checked the angler’s registration …
Tournament bass anglers bring thousands of fish to the scales alive. They are released alive at the launch site. It’s called stockpiling. Tournament release fish pile up at …
Forty years ago, a tournament goodie bag held a pack of Zoom centipedes. They didn’t interest me. No legs, no tail, no nothing. Just a French fry-shaped plastic slab. Not …
Professional bass fishing is extremely difficult to follow, frustrating existing fans and turning off prospective followers. Broadcasts are average when compared to other major sports, leaving lifelong fans yearning for Bob …