December in central Virginia can run the gamut in terms of weather so area outdoorsmen have learned to dress in layers, adding or removing as needed and they’ve also …
Middle Bay The Bay Bridge continues to attract anglers to fish for the striped bass that are holding near the bases of the deep-water piers. Jigging is the most …
Don’t think for a minute the fishing is over for the winter in the Chickahominy region. All those 8-10 pound largemouth bass don’t vaporize. No, what happens is that they …
The water level on Kerr Lake by the W2 late November deadline was 298.52’ and steady (about six inches lower than last month). 300’ is full pool so this was …
Even though Lake Anna has cooled to more seasonal temperatures, anglers can still expect to encounter roaming schools of voracious fish throughout the lake during certain key feeding periods. Water …
By mid-November the water level on Gaston was around 199.50’ (200’ is full pool) and Dominion was holding the level steady. Water temperatures ranged from 49-54 degrees with the up …