It’s the most wonderful time of year, and I’m not talking about Christmas. My existence can be defined by the anticipation of two things, the rut and spring gobbler season. …
As the weather cools and days become shorter, there is a certain excitement building around the upcoming holidays and the return of football. For many outdoorsmen in the state of …
So we have a little time before deer season, what’s a hunter to do? Certainly not sit around and vacuum the house. If you are not working hard on food …
When I got the text from my good friend David Colgin asking if I wanted to go fishing a few weeks ago I knew in my head that we had …
So, if you are reading this article then you are probably already aware that Sam Scott is one of the best musky fisherman in the Commonwealth of Virginia. While Sam …
Lake Mooney or Rocky Pen Reservoir just north of Fredericksburg opened to the public for fishing on July 1, 2017 after it reached full pool as a water supply lake …