What would make seven men drive 20 hours through Washington, D.C., Philadelphia, New York City, around Boston and finally two-and-a-half hours on logging roads to stay in a cabin with …
This month’s Destination File focuses on the other part of Lake County – Lake Gaston. This 20,000-acre lake located on the border of Virginia and North Carolina boasts 350 miles …
Smith Mountain Lake is a 20,600-acre impoundment located near Roanoke, Virginia. This reservoir is ranked by Woods & Waters as one of Virginia’s premier fisheries, offering a variety of species …
John H. Kerr Reservoir was once revered as one of bass fishing’s jewels of the east. National bass fishing organizations made Clarksville and South Hill into “Tournament Towns” on the …
When I first fished Back Bay in 2009 I was intrigued by what I experienced – a vast shallow water fishery behind Sandbridge featuring thousands of acres of weedy bays, islands, creeks …
It had been over 20 years since I last visited Lake Moomaw and the hollows of the Gathright Wildlife Management Area (WMA) in Bath County, Virginia. My wife and I …