Virginia Sportsman And Big Game Trophy Show Coming In Early August

by Chris McCotter

Hunters from all over the state will convene August 2-4 at the Meadow Event Park complex in Doswell for the 41st annual Virginia Outdoor Sportsman Show where they will find a massive display of hunting gear, guides, mounted trophies and more.

  Event owner Annette Elliot is no stranger to shows as she also owns and operates Showmasters Gun Shows held around the mid-Atlantic region. She’s owned the show for five years and after surviving the Covid years, notes the show thrived in 2022 and 2023 and will be bigger than ever this year.

  “Once we cleared that Covid nonsense and moved the show to Doswell we’ve had more exhibitor participation and much higher attendance,” Elliot told W2 recently.

   This year’s event will mark the 41st annual show. Hugh Crittendon began the traditional hunting show, sold it to David Posner who then sold it to Elliot.

  Besides a modern venue just off I-95, the show features exhibitors displaying everything from ATVs to tree stands, guns to apparel, hunting trips and more.

   The show also features the 85th annual Virginia Peninsula Sportmans Association’s Virginia Big Game Contest. The contest will feature most of the largest deer, bear, and turkey harvested throughout the state during last hunting season. Each will be scored and displayed and the top entrants will be recognized Sunday afternoon.

    Visitors to the show can expect the VPSA to put on display 300+ of the largest deer, bear, and turkey harvested in Virginia! This section of the show is always impressive to view.

  Anyone that thinks they can call turkey is encouraged to enter the National Wild Turkey Federation sanctioned state turkey calling contest running in conjunction with the event. For this year’s show there’s even a Virginia vs. West Virginia calling contest planned.

   Attendees can also meet and chat with television personalities like Kip Campbell from Red Arrow, Tim Andrus from Rush Outdoors, expert turkey hunter Eddie Salter and trick archery shooter Byron Ferguson. There will also be free game butchering and cooking demonstrations by Chef Albert. Bobby Uhrig will be working the Hawg Trough for fishing enthusiasts.

    Outdoor shows offer hunting and fishing enthusiasts a place to gather, learn new tactics, book trips, meet friends and learn in person vs. an online video. If you’ve ever wanted to learn how to call waterfowl but were unsure, you’ll find a number of call makers selling at this even AND they will personally show you how to use their call.

  Listening to champion waterfowl caller and W2 Pro Team member Travis Stauch is a real treat and he’ll be at the show with his Ramrod Guiding business.

  There’s also those amazing Dock Dog shows, decoy painting with the Virginia Waterfowlers Association and the Kid’s Trout Pond.

   For a list of the exhibitors, seminar schedule and details about the show visit for more information. To find out how to enter your deer, bear or turkey mount in the VPSA Big Game Show, visit

   Last year’s Virginia Big Game Contest featured 365 deer, turkey, and bear mounts – a notable total for this Virginia tradition. All of these entries were displayed for the attending public to view.  This was the second highest turnout in contest history.  In 2022 event organizers processed 335 entries. In 2021 the contest reached a record number of entries with 392; and prior to 2021 the previous record was 304 in 2001.  

   Larry Wales, VPSA’s media manager reacted to the amount of entries by saying, “We filled the boards with great deer, bear, and turkey; but I enjoyed seeing all the youngsters with great big smiles showing off their trophies”. 

   Mike Jones, VSPA’s President, noted he was very excited with turnout.  He said that over 8,000 members of the public came through the 2023 Virginia Outdoor Sportsman Show to view the entries. Jones noted that he is so blessed to be heading an organization that cares so much to volunteer their time to highlight the accomplishments of the hunters of Virginia.

   Mr. Jones made it clear that the VPSA could not have pulled off a show of this magnitude without the 48 VPSA volunteers who spent a year planning and executing the contest.  

  “Their work was tremendous and did not go unnoticed.  The VPSA team themselves travelled great distances to be onsite each day and worked 12-hour days to ensure this contest was a success for all,” Jones said. “The VPSA made it known that they were very thankful for the support provided by the DWR, Wilcox Bait & Tackle of Newport News and Greentop Hunting & Fishing of Ashland, Va.

   In addition, the VPSA was able to help Hunters for the Hungry raise donations at the awards ceremony. The money raised will allow them to process and distribute essential protein for men, women, and children struggling with hunger. To date from just passing that bucket to the crowd at the VPSA award ceremony VPSA has helped to raise over $10K!  This tradition was started 25 years ago in 1997 and has provided Hunters for the Hungry the opportunity to process and distribute a total of 7,240 pounds, 28,960 quarter-pound servings to the citizens of our great Commonwealth who deal with hunger every day just from the generosity of those who attend the VPSA State Show.

   The VPSA, headquartered in Williamsburg, is a group of sportsmen who serve sportsmen.  They founded the Virginia Big Game Contest in 1940 and developed the Virginia Scoring System for deer and bear.  The group is the caretaker of the 84-year-old Virginia record book documenting the largest deer, bear, and turkey ever to roam within the Commonwealth. 

    In the early years of the VPSA, they assisted the game department with the whitetail deer recovery effort in the Commonwealth.  Their members had a deer-holding pen in Newport News, known today as Deer Park.  The contest held last weekend is the oldest consecutively held deer contest in the country.  DWR supports the group but VPSA manages the contest entirely with its cadre of well-trained volunteers.    

  At last year’s show, the group crowned a new Virginia state champion: Brent Grant.  Brent’s buck broke the two-year streak of a 23-point buck winning the contest.  In 2022 Austin Ragland won with his giant 23-pointer (233 11/16 – Nelson County) and in 2021 Joshua Clark earned the State Championship with his 23-point buck from Pulaski County that scored 244 15/16. 

  Grant’s buck was harvested with a blackpowder rifle in Bedford County Virginia and sported a 16-point rack and scored 248 11/16.  Brent’s buck also became number four all-time in Class 9 for blackpowder bucks 12 points and above.  

  VPSA also strives to support youth hunting.  In 2016, they began awarding a trophy named in honor of their long serving president of 22 years, Mr. Kenneth R. Pickin, to the largest deer harvested by a youth in Virginia.  Last year’s recipient of the Ken Pickin Youth State Championship was Robert Daniels with his 14-point buck he harvested in the City of Suffolk, Virginia.  Robert’s buck scored 212 4/16 points.  

In 2023 the VPSA began a new tradition by starting a Female only and Female Youth Only Division.  In 2023 Miss Charlee Spivey won with her amazing 13-point buck from Surry County Virginia.  Her buck scored 187 12/16.  

  Ryan Summerford won the 2023 State Championship for wild turkey and became the State Record Holder for the number one turkey all time! Ryan’s bird scored 82 1/16; edging out the previous record holder (Ryan Pittman – 82 0/16 – Southampton County) by 1/16th of a point to grab the top spot on the all-time turkey list in Virginia.  Ryan harvested his championship bird in Northumberland County.  

  Young Karleigh Ogden of Amherst County won the Youth State Championship with her turkey that scored 76 6/16 points. Karleigh’s turkey is the number three all time for largest wild Turkey ever harvested by a youth in Virginia!  

  With this bird Karleigh also captured the first ever Female Youth State Championship for wild Turkey.  

  Ms. Janet Cole took home the first ever Female Wild Turkey State Championship with a bird from Patrick County that scored 78 6/16.

   Joe Stanley claimed the Bear State Championship with a bear harvested in Shenandoah County.  Joe’s bear scored 30 6/16 points.  The bear was stated to be an extremely old bear.  

   Samantha Moore took home the Youth State Championship for her bear that she harvested in Caroline County that scored 27 4/16.  Samantha also earned the State Championship trophies for both the Female Youth Division and Female Division for black bear. 

The entire list of results from the 2023 contest is posted on

VPSA began the awards ceremony by recognizing the 2023 Virginia Deer Hunter’s Association (VHDA) scholarship winners.  Denny Quaiff, President of the VHDA noted that these scholarship winners are going on to study natural resource management and forestry in college. 
  VPSA President, Mike Jones, then proceeded to award the scholarship winner for the VPSA.  Fisher Dashiell took home the scholarship as he will be attending North Carolina State University and studying Agronomy.  

The VPSA scholarship is actively taking scholarship donations.  Please invest in our youth by making donations today!  Scholarship donations can be made by contacting VPSA President Mr. Jones at 757-371-3335.  

Mike Jones, VPSA President then helped Gary Arrington (Executive Director of the Hunters for the Hungry) take up a very large donation to benefit the Hunters for the Hungry program.  This program can feed a family daily for less than 30 cents.  Jones noted that he is genuinely excited about what VPSA can do to assist the hunters for the hungry program each year.  

Finally, the awards ceremony kicked off by remarks from the Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources Executive Director Ryan Brown.  Brown was ecstatic with the size of the crowd (estimated 500) and noted that they all should be proud of their accomplishments.  He thanked the VPSA for being their advocate to issue state citations and awards for these great harvests.  

  Upon conclusion of Brown’s remarks the show was on the road.  Jones had the pleasure of awarding Mr. George Michael Arrington as the VPSA Sportsmen of the Year.  Jones and the VPSA crowned an Eastern Regional Champion, Western Regional Champion and overall State Champion for deer, bear and turkey.  Jones presented more than 70 awards to show attendees, including 15 Virginia Grand Slam Awards.  The Grand Slam is awarded to a hunter who harvests a Virginia buck, Gobbler, and bear all in the same hunting season.          

VPSA membership is open to anyone residing in Virginia.  This is how you can help keep this contest alive and well.  JOIN TODAY at

For more information about the VPSA please visit or follow them on their facebook page at www.facebook/virginiapeninsulasportsmenassociation.

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